My Thoughts on Lutherwood's 50th
I have been around for 20 of Lutherwood’s 50 years. I joined the organization in late 1999 just a year after the big merger with CODA (Community Opportunities Development Association) and learned very quickly that it had been a huge step for the organization to take and that there was a lot at stake. Also, the opening of Luther Village had happened only a couple of years prior. So right away I knew I had joined an organization that was not afraid to take a chance and face calculated risks to achieve a goal. Lutherwood is where I first learned the meaning of “entrepreneurial.”
I began in employment services at King Street as an administrative assistant. Some of the programs were a little different back then and my duties included support for a team of advisors helping clients start small businesses and for the “Irish program.” The latter was funded by the International Fund for Ireland to help young people from Ireland gain international work experience and promote peace and reconciliation between the groups in conflict there. I was always in awe of the courage of the youth who came to Canada to participate and it was another example of Lutherwood being willing to take a chance, especially on something close to our core of helping young people. After a successful run of about a decade, the Irish program was discontinued and I like to think it was due to peace gaining a foothold and the economy there improving in the 90s and early 2000s – Ireland actually got a nickname at the time for its growing economy - the “Celtic Tiger.”
When the Sunshine Centre opened in late 2003, I was invited to apply to work at that location to open the new assisted living reception area. It felt like I was clambering aboard a brand-new, beautiful cruise ship along with all the new residents moving in and sailing off on many adventures. Maybe not the best analogy given current events, but that is how it felt at the time! Then in 2005, the Executive Assistant moved away to get married. I applied to fill her very large shoes and I have had the honour since then to serve the CEO and Boards of Lutherwood and the Foundation.
I have found myself in the fortunate position of witnessing the little seedlings of ideas discussed at the Board level through the years, the decisions made to move (and sometimes to not move) on a new perceived opportunity, and then to see it happen all the way through to the final result. It truly feels like a privilege to be there for the whole process, and that is one of the rewards I get for the work I do. Another is to feel like I have helped to make the work of the Boards as easy and pleasant as I can, since our Board members help our senior leaders “steer the ship” for no compensation at all.
Today I shared a copy of our latest Community Report to a candidate for Board membership. Every time I share information with a potential new friend of Lutherwood, I reread it with what I imagine are their eyes and think about their first impression of us. I am proud to belong to a group of people who all work so very hard to make this organization an amazing one, and who help so many vulnerable people, making the community where my daughter is now raising a family healthier and happier.
Happy 50th Anniversary, Lutherwood!