“Hooksie” – A Lutherwood Legend

“Hooksie” is more than a name; she is legend of warmth, sincerity, genuineness and respect at Lutherwood. “Hooksie” was a person whose care, compassion and firmness touched and influenced the lives of hundreds of youth over the 25 years she worked at Lutherwood. “Hooksie” was Agnes Hooks - one of Lutherwood’s original 16 staff members. A Scottish lass with a beautiful accent “Hooksie” worked the night shift. Each day, she started her shift by doing an outside security check by 9:30 pm, then came in “to provide with individualized attention, warmth and security for the youth as they faced the darkness and anxieties of the night.”
New staff received a wealth of insight, know-how, history and practical down-to-earth guidance from this lady of incredible intuition. Staff described her as a sounding board who always had an ear to listen. When it came to encouragement and comfort for the bruised and hurting staff, “Hooksie” was there, bringing a presence which instilled confidence and trust. She consistently affirmed the value and worth of young people often written off as hopeless.
Loyalty and dedication are qualities she personalized from the day she began work at Lutherwood. "I considered it an honour to serve these kids," she once shared when reflecting on her career. She spoke fondly of Pastor Meibohm, Lutherwood’s founding Director, who as she said “hired me at a very important time in my life. It was a miracle! I shall never forget him and what Lutherwood has done for me." Her openness, love and quest for helpful constructive change will be a symbol and become a legend of what we are all about at Lutherwood for a long time to come.
"Hooksie" retired in Fall 1988, after 25 years at Lutherwood and passed away in August 2012.