The treasures below have been pulled from our archives or generously loaned to us by former staff or donors. Each unique piece helps illustrate Lutherwood's history and transformation over the past 50 years. Click the green circles below to learn the story of each item.
Photo Collage 1: Learn more about the objects in this college below.

Luther Village News Spring 1997
This Luther Village on the Park newsletter was created in 1997 and provided future residents with construction updates.

Lutherwood Lions Hockey Jersey
This Lutherwood Lions hockey jersey dates back to the late 1980s.

Reflections Magazine
This Reflections magazine was created in 1995 to celebrate Lutherwood's 25th anniversary.

Child & Parent Place Flyer
This Child & Parent Place (CAPP) brochure was created in or around 1988.

Proud Staff Button
This proud staff pin was created in 2018.

Steps For Kids Buff
These yellow buffs were created in 2015 and worn by participants in Lutherwood's annual Steps for Kids fundraiser.

Photo of the original cottage
This is one of the earliest photos of Lutherwood's original cottage, taken in 1970 shortly after construction was completed.

25th Anniversary Pin
These were created in 1995 for Lutherwood's 25th anniversary celebrations.

"A Journey through 1981 at Lutherwood"
This 1981 Lutherwood yearbook was a tribute to the youth and their accomplishments that year.

BTYC Open House Invitation
This invitation was prepared for the Betty Thompson Youth Centre (now known as Lutherwood Housing Services) open house that took place in November 2007.

Best Workplace 2011 Mousepad
These mousepads were created as a keepsake for staff after Lutherwood was named one of Canada's Best Workplaces of 2011.

LYEC Brochure
Original Lutherwood Youth Employment Centre (LYEC) brochure, created in or around 1984.

"I survived Transformation Benjamin Road" hard hat
These were given to staff and youth who endured months of construction during the Benjamin Road Transformation Project in 2011.

Coda Newsletter
This Lutherwood CODA newsletter was created in 1999.

1978 Film Reel
This 1978 film reel contains footage of youth participating in activities including baseball, coffee house and roller skating.

Centennial Project Flyer
This brochure was produced by the Ontario District of the Lutheran Church in or around 1967. The inside of the brochure discusses plans to build a "home for emotionally disturbed boys".

Groundbreaking Shovel
This was the shovel used in the 2010 groundbreaking for Benjamin Road's transformation project. "Mark's Choice" is inscribed on the shovel, which was coincidentally the name of Lutherwood's Board Chair at the time, Mark Heuhnergard.

Carousel Horse Ornament
These ornaments were a handed out as a keepsake during the grand opening of Luther Village's Assisted Living Suites in 2003. Visitors to the Sunshine Centre may recognize the carousel theme.